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An Answer to the Costly Epidemic of Weed Resistance

Following 1,000 global field and green house trials, Harpe Bioherbicide Solutions’ extract-based herbicides have been deemed as one potent control mechanism against a broad spectrum of broadleaf and grass weeds and seeds including the most challenging resistant weeds farmers face. To understand the significance of such a development, we must start by acknowledging how, according to the Weed Science Society of America, losses from weeds make up a sum of more than $40 billion for corn and soybean crops alone, and that’s just in North America. Making matters worse is a discovery which suggests that, since 1984, herbicide resistant weeds have increased by more than 600% globally, thus forcing farmers to increase expenditure and apply more herbicides than ever before to achieve some control. Hold on, there is more, as further contextualizing the said problem’s gravity are 514 different cases of resistant weeds. Within these cases, we saw resistance to well over 167 herbicides. In total, an estimated 71 countries have reported herbicide-resistant weeds across 94 unique crops. Enter Harpe Bioherbicide’ formulations that are not only effective in the context of weed control, but during numerous trials, they also displayed a tendency to tackle weeds with target site and non-target site herbicide resistance to almost all other herbicides, including glyphosate, 2,4-D, Dicamba, Fluroxapyr, Atrazine, and ALS/AHS inhibitors. But how do they achieve this goal from a more actionable standpoint? Well, the answer to that resides in Harpe’s patented technology, which covers specific combinations of plant extracts and components as herbicides. This it does alongside the enhanced combinations of those extracts with other synthetic or natural herbicides. Interestingly enough, that’s not the only patented technology Harpe is looking to introduce. You see, the company will also launch, at some point down the line, a product line-up whichincorporates new mixtures, use patterns, and novel combinations, including the disruption of non-target site resistance, formulation enhancements, and herbicide tolerance trait discovery.

“What we’re seeing in trials is a great endorsement of our farmer-first approach to create a completely new, natural active ingredient-based weed control platform,” said Daniel Pepitone, co-founder and chief operating officer at Harpe Bioherbicide. “In a short time, our discovery approach has delivered a group of natural, new mode of action molecules that can be formulated for broad-spectrum, non-selective herbicide use in a range of pre-emergent, post-burndown and desiccation applications.”

Already drawing attention from consumer, specialty, and row-crop market segments across organic, regenerative, and conventional agriculture, more on Harpe Bioherbicide’s future ambitions would involve an intention to expand U.S. field testing of its stand-alone and pre-mix formulations in 2024. Joining the same is a possibility of select market introductions for these formulations as early as 2026.

“Weeds continue to adapt and are now developing resistance to multiple herbicides at an alarming rate,” said Pepitone. “Fewer, less effective weed control options mean reduced yields, increased costs and more pressure on farmer viability.”